Dianne Woitkowski and Sam Kent accompanied Dr. David Gurian for a Help The Children Hear (HTCH) presentation to the Mid-Island Rotary Club in Staten Island. The presentation was well received by Marguerite Fiore (club vice-president) and the entire club. The club expressed interest in getting involved in the project.
Dianne and Marguerite exchanged club banners during the visit, a Rotary tradition.
HTCH began about 12-years ago after Amanda Abbiate returned from a Rotary trip to Argentina. After returning home, Amanda told her mother Katherine, who was an active Rotarian, about a serious hearing disability affecting children in Tucuman, Argentina.
David learned about the problem and eagerly volunteered his expertise and knowledge in the audiology field. He and Katherine launched HTCH as a 501c3 charitable organization. Under their direction, HTCH sponsored missions and has supplied hearing aids to children in countries such as Argentina and the Dominican Republic.
David took control of HTCH after the unfortunate passing of Kathe-rine several years ago. Since then, David almost singlehandedly con-tinues to run and expand the program, which is an official District 7470 project. David routinely receives hearing aids and donations from around the world. HTCH recently received a grant from the Ro-tary Foundation that will bring hearing aids to children in the Philip-pines.
HTCH is a remarkable and inspirational example of how each of us has the ability to improve the lives of people around the globe.
Thanks and congratulations to David and others who contribute to the success of HTCH.
Tom Cocchiola
Rotary Club of the Caldwells
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