Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gerry Valk

Gerry Valk was a humanitarian who passionately helped others: He was a true Rotarian. Gerry’s commitment to disadvantaged students at the Essex Valley School and advocacy for high school student scholarships is a but a small part of his legacy.

Rotarians remembered Gerry and expressed their sentiments. Gerry was

“a true gentlemen”, a “great man, a great person, a great guy”

“a class act”,

“a beautiful soul who enriched many lives through his acts of kindness and generosity”

“He epitomized humanitarianism.”

“A fine example of a Rotarian.”

Gerry was all of those and more. He made a difference; he improved the lives of others.

Gerry will be missed. Rest in peace.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Season of Giving

Many people think of this time of year as the season of giving. Of course, for Rotary Club of the Caldwells members, the season of giving lasts all year long. Members have given in so many important and life-changing ways over the years. The Nairator is too small to list all recent accomplishments and projects over the last 12-months, but they include:

 Sponsoring a GOL mission in the DR funded by a multi-year commitment and an awesome Talent Show.

 Funding a room in the Caldwell College Autism Behavioral Center.

 Building a playground for young children in Caldwell.

 Completing the refurbishment of a North Caldwell field house facility.

 Furnishing a boat shed to Camp Merry Heart in addition to $3,000 for camperships.

 Awarding approximately $11,000 for scholarships awarded to HS students.

 Donating $7,000 to the Rotary Foundation.

 Pledging $6000 (and a laptop) to needy families through the Caldwell Human Ser-vices Department.

 Funding & Supporting Dominican Republic projects under Mike’s direction.

 Supporting Help The Children Hear.

 Putting on a Street Fair that has become part of the culture of Caldwell.

 Accomplishing too many smaller, impactful projects to mention.

RCC members are special, giving people who have obviously worked hard during this extended season of giving. Heart-felt comments during the recent special meeting held by President Jon captured the essence of this club; the comments demonstrated why membership in the RCC is, in and of itself, a gift.

In some ways, the RCC is reminiscent of dominant sports teams with “teammates” who work together to accomplish extraordinary things. Focusing on common objectives and working together is the key to continued success.

Looking forward, the sky is the limit in the upcoming and ongoing “season of giving.”

by Rotarian Tom Cocchiola