Four Caldwell Rotarians Recognized as Paul Harris Fellows
On February 8, The Rotary Club of the Caldwells bestowed the honor of “Paul Harris Fellow” on members Ash Parikh, Kevin Hersh, Robert Markman and Aldo Vandermolen. This prestigious recognition is an expression of appreciation by The Rotary Foundation Trustees to an individual who has made a significant monetary contribution that will be used toward humanitarian and educational work worldwide.
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Paul Harris Fellows are the backbone of The Rotary Foundation. Their contributions account for 80% of the over $80 million raised annually to support work to eradicate Polio, provide clean water, fight hunger, reduce child mortality, improve basic education and literacy, and promote peace and conflict resolution.
Bob Markman explained, “I realize that I am a citizen of this world, one who has generous feelings for and concern about the well being and betterment of all life on our planet. I owe special thanks to Rotary for being there, empowering myself and others to put humanitarian ideals into action.”
Ash Parikh, Foundation Chair, concured, “I wish to do more to make our world a better place to live. I wish to help people understand the spiritual wisdom in sharing their physical, mental and material wealth and well being.”
The Rotary Club of the Caldwells has always had a strong commitment to local service, engaging in local projects and supporting local families, programs and organizations in need. The club also provides two avenues for making a difference internationally. The first is through involvement in club led international projects, such as “Help the Children Hear” which collects, refurbishes and distributes hearing aids and “Gift of Life” which sponsors pediatric cardiology surgical missions. The second is through a contribution to the Rotary Foundation.
Kevin Hersh finds reward in each opportunity. “I strive to make a difference in the Caldwells, NJ, the US, and internationally,” he said. “By supporting my club, I am making a difference in town. By supporting The Rotary Foundation who invests in many hundreds of programs, I also feel that I am making a difference.”
“Becoming a Paul Harris Fellow is a tremendous accomplishment and honor for all Rotarians,” said Tom Cocchiola, Caldwell Rotary President. “Our newest Paul Harris Fellows provide strong support for The Rotary Foundation, which has been the world leader in Polio eradication and an organization that has been helping people throughout the world and supporting local causes for decades.”
“The value of being recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow,” said Aldo Vandermolen, “lies in the example I hope it sets for others to make similar contributions because they also believe in the great humanitarian efforts engaged in by Rotary International.”
For more information about The Rotary Club of the Caldwells, visit www.CaldwellRotary.org. To inquire about membership, contact Tom Cocchiola at 973-226-2344 .
For more information about The Rotary Foundation and Rotary International, visit www.Rotary.org.
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