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In the middle of Autism Awareness Month, Caldwell College held a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the official opening of the Advanced Behavioral Analysis (ABA) center last Friday. Dr. Nancy Blattner and Dr. Sharon Reeve spoke to a large group of benefactors and guests. Our club was represented by current President Tom Cocchiola and Past President Kevin Hersh. Dr. Blattner specifically thanked major benefactors, including the Rotary Club of The Caldwells, for contributing and making the ABA center a reality.
Dr. Sharon Reeve cut the ribbon with the help of the first child enrolled in the program. There are currently five children enrolled but college plans to reach full enrollment in about a year. A professional staff member was recently hired to help the ABA center progress toward its goal.
Our pledge to the ABA center, which will be fulfilled by funds raised from the 6/16/11 golf outing at Cedar Ridge Country Club, supports a “mock” medical exam room that will be used to familiarize children and educate them about what to expect when parents take them to the doctor.
The sign shown is displayed on the wall outside the medical ex-amination room. Similar signs are displayed throughout the ABA center commemorating donations by other organizations and individuals.